Tuesday, August 14, 2018

TAT exam paper sold for 7 lakhs; 48 candidates Learn Details

TAT exam paper sold for 7 lakhs; 48 candidates Learn Details

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re for other people's country, other Deo

es continents, other people's liberties ande

n. people's happiness! The workers havee

m. liberties of their owni they are not free w o

ur they are compelled to work twelve or t

ur eight hours a day.They are not free when

e are ill paid for their exhausting toil. The

ten or

not free when their children must labour

mills and factories or starve, and when their



women may be driven by poverty to lives

d shame. They are not free when they are

clubbed and imprisoned because they go on

e strike for a raise of wages and for the basic

justice that is their right as human beings

1 We are not free unless the men who frame

and execute the laws represent the interests

of the lives of the people and no other interest.

The ballot does not make a free man out of a

wage slave. There has never existed a truly

free and democratic nation in the world. From

time immemorial men have followed with

blind loyalty the strong men who had the

power of money and of armies. Even while

battlefields were piled high with their own

dead, they have tilled the lands of the rulers

and have been robbed of the fruits of their

labour. They have built palaces an

pyramids, temples and cathedrals that held

no real shrine ofliberty

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